Transforming yourself from within using Hypnotherapy

In the ever-evolving landscape of cosmetic treatments and self-care, there's a growing recognition that beauty isn't just skin deep. As society's understanding of holistic wellness expands, so do the approaches to enhancing one's appearance and well-being. Enter hypnotherapy – a fascinating practice that's making waves not only in traditional therapy settings but also now at Rejuvenate Studio.

Cosmetic procedures have long been associated with physical enhancements, targeting external features to achieve a desired aesthetic. However, what's often overlooked is the profound connection between the mind and body. Our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs can significantly impact how we perceive ourselves and our outward appearance.

On that note, we wish to introduce Julia Moroz, Clinical Hypnotherapist and Registered Nurse in Mental Health.

Her goal is to help her clients find their happiness and live their best lives. Her areas of focus include; anxiety, stress, fears & phobias, pain, limiting beliefs, weight loss, quitting smoking and self-sabotaging habits.

Hypnotherapy operates at this intersection of mind and body. By inducing a state of deep relaxation and heightened focus, hypnotherapy aims to access the subconscious mind – the powerhouse of our beliefs, habits, and self-perceptions. Through guided imagery, suggestion, and positive reinforcement, hypnotherapy can help to overcome these problems.

Introducing hypnotherapy into the clinic adds a whole new dimension to the client experience. Beyond the physical transformations achieved through cosmetic procedures, hypnotherapy can offer clients an opportunity for inner change and self-confidence.

Julia will be available on some Mondays strictly by appointment only.

Please visit for more information.


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