Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) regulation updates

The Therapeutic Good Administration has officially updated the advertising guidelines in the cosmetic and non-surgical space. This means that there have been a lot of changes to the way cosmetic businesses can advertise. Essentially any advertising of pharmaceutical products is prohibited. This includes description and information of treatments, prices, results including before and after pictures and testimonials from patients. It also includes the use of any drug names or generic usage of the terms such as dermal fillers etc. This ruling is inclusive of websites, blogs, social media and booking systems. It is also retroactive, so all content currently visible must apply to these requirements.

So, if you're wondering why there’s not a whole lot about what we do on here and also on social media, this is the reason. Please note that all previous blog posts and specific treatment information have now been removed from this website and the booking system has been updated to comply.

What does this mean for you? Consultations are going to be a must for all clients. All the information you require around your treatments will only be available in the clinic. This includes education around treatments, pre and post care requirements, expected results, side effects and complications and prices.

We apologise for any issues this may cause but please understand our wish to keep our standards high and to be compliant with current regulatory requirements.

Our booking process will remain the same (via this website or via the booking button on our Facebook or Instagram page.) For any other communications, please feel free to email at


Transforming yourself from within using Hypnotherapy